Monday, May 8, 2023

NPC Manual of Information pdf.

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- Npc manual of information

  WebColorado School of Mines. WebNPC Manual of Information (MOI) | Delta Gamma Barbara Nussa Boersma Library Document Types You must be logged in to download this resource. WebNPC Manual of Information (MOI) | Delta Gamma Barbara Nussa Boersma Library Document Types You must be logged in to download this resource.  

Npc manual of information. NPC Provisions Expiring At The End Of The Academic Year


College Panhellenic Membership Recruitment 95 Values-based recruitment 96 Recruitment styles 97 Recruitment policies, rules and guidelines Panhellenic code of ethics Total Quota Continuous open bidding Marketing Positive Panhellenic contact and the promotion of the sorority experience Potential New Member's Bill of Rights Selection of a software program Recruitment orientation Recruitment counselors Release Figure Methodology RFM Membership recruitment acceptance binding agreement MRABA Bid matching Quota additions Snap bidding Bid day Repledging Membership recruitment evaluation and assessment Agreement on extension Extension procedures Use of social media Local sororities Panhellenic assistance to newly establishing chapters Resource Information Installation ceremony for a new College Panhellenic Installation ceremony for College Panhellenic officers Campus concerns review process Housing policies and procedures Interfraternal organizations Panhellenic-wide statements Membership recruitment acceptance binding agreement script and forms College Panhellenic judicial procedure forms Above any other document or manual, the National Panhellenic Conference Manual of Information is the primary resource for a College and Alumnae Panhellenic.

This section offers an introduction to the National Panhellenic Conference, its philosophy and spirit, and the member organizations that comprise it. The section concludes with an overview of agreements, policies and practices that govern NPC activities. Note: NPC member organizations are formally named as fraternities, sororities or societies. Each member organization is an autonomous social group consisting of women who are college and university undergraduates and alumnae. Purpose of NPC The purpose of the National Panhellenic Conference is to promote and advance the common interest of women's-only sororities.

The Conference achieves this through interfraternal cooperation and strong partnerships with college and university representatives to support high academic and social standards for women.

Mission statement of NPC The National Panhellenic Conference is the premier advocacy and support organization for the advancement of the sorority experience. Values of NPC We are committed to relationships built on trust through transparency, accountability and mutual respect. Innovation and our core values of friendship, leadership, service, knowledge, integrity and community guide us in fulfilling our mission.

Functions of NPC On July 1, , NPC implemented a new governance and organizational structure that includes a seven-member Board of Directors composed of five members elected by the Council of Delegates and two directors appointed by their member organization on a rotational basis. They establish corporate policy, set the strategic direction, oversee and secure resources and monitor organizational performance. The Council of Delegates consists of one representative from each NPC member organization and has primary responsibility for Conference membership and Panhellenic policies.

Each delegate is empowered to act and vote on behalf of her member organization. The NPC staff is responsible for day-to-day management of the Corporation and works alongside the organization's volunteers. Committee types outlined in the NPC bylaws include board committees, an Advisory Committee, a Nominating Committee and a number of standing committees.

Special committees also may be formed. Through such polices have come the Unanimous Agreements. Because the Unanimous Agreements have been ratified, all NPC member organizations must follow them until they are amended or rescinded. Alumnae and College Panhellenics are also required to follow the Unanimous Agreements. NPC cannot breach in any way the rights and powers of the member organizations except as provided in the Unanimous Agreements.

NPC formulates policies on matters of mutual interest and concern and studies changing educational outlooks. NPC also assesses an undergraduate per capita fee that is to be collected by each member organization on behalf of its initiated members and paid to NPC. However, no actual Panhellenic organization existed and no uniform practices were observed. Although Alpha Chi Omega and Chi Omega were not able to send delegates to this meeting, the session resulted in the organization of the first interfraternity association and the first intergroup organization on college campuses.

This meeting and the next few resulted in several mutual agreements, especially regarding pledging. Up to this time no guidelines had been set. Women could be pledged to organizations before enrolling in college and even belong to more than one organization. First called the Interfraternity Conference, the organization has been variously named and renamed the Inter-Sorority Conference until , the National Panhellenic Conference until , the National Panhellenic Congress until , the National Panhellenic Conference until , the National Panhellenic Congress until and finally the National Panhellenic Conference.

Other than the basic Unanimous Agreements that all organizations have voted to observe, NPC confines itself to policies and best practices and acts as a court of final appeal in any College Panhellenic difficulty. One of its greatest services is providing area advisors for College Panhellenics and area coordinators for Alumnae Panhellenics.

In , the 26 member organizations affirmed the concept that the National Panhellenic Conference continue to operate as a conference. That meant each NPC member organization was equally represented by a delegate and up to three alternate delegates. Each member organization was allowed one vote cast by the delegate. The delegate body met biannually in person to conduct business. The delegates functioned year-round as members of NPC committees. This model was in effect until In , the organization defined the officer-rotation plan, based on date of admission to NPC, that remained in effect until The next year, it authorized what for almost years was the composition of the NPC Executive Committee: a president now chairman , secretary and treasurer.

In , as the NPC Executive Committee composition as expanded and the officers of NPC chairman and vice chairman were considered members of the delegate body. They served in an established order of sorority rotation — first as vice chairman then as chairman — and each position was a two-year term.

The Advocacy chairman, Panhellenics chairman and Finance chairman were appointed by the NPC chairman and approved by the board of directors. These five officers served as members of the Executive Committee with voting privileges. NPC met annually until , when it voted to hold biennial sessions beginning in While some interim sessions had been held prior to , a provision in the constitution was made at that time for the necessary sessions.

NPC voted in to have an interim session in even-numbered years. In , NPC voted to change the terminology of biennial and interim sessions to annual meetings. All of its collegiate chapters must be established in senior colleges and universities authorized to confer bachelor degrees and recognized by the appropriate regional association of colleges and universities; and it must have at least 14 chapters, the youngest of which must be at least two years old.

Prior to that time, the AES had served teacher-education colleges exclusively. The growing trend toward general liberal arts institutions resulted in extensive overlapping and led to the merger. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life , in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, as Fraternity Women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life.

The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live. Sorority Sorority is a social experience based on the fundamental right of a free people to form voluntary associations. Mutual choice The young woman who wants a sorority experience will find it possible to belong on most campuses today. Sorority membership is a social experience arrived at by mutual choice, selection and ultimately invitation.

While the sword piercing the wreath indicates willingness to fight for ideals, it symbolizes, too, penalty of obligation, also bravery, achievement and discipline. The mantling surrounding the shield is the protecting cloak that education gives us and is the protective influence of organization.

The National Panhellenic Conference is the exclusive owner of its trademarks. To safeguard the appropriate use of our federally registered trademarks and guarantee quality products, NPC is one of many organizations that has a trademark licensing agreement with Affinity Consultants.

All official vendors are screened for high-quality products and good customer service. Here you can access a national network of vendors and request multiple quotes for your custom order needs. The visual identity for the National Panhellenic Conference is more than just a logo. When done well, our visual identity helps convey our mission, vision and values to everyone involved.

The current NPC logo and brand elements, introduced at the NPC annual meeting, showcase a new, fresh design that pays homage to the past. The NPC logo consists of two elements, the wordmark and the logomark. The logo incorporates NPC's Greek-influenced laurel leaf and familiar Kelly green and adds in new colors: plum, rose and pumpkin.

Its design symbolizes unity, as the lively colors represent member organizations working together. These graphics provide distinctions for these organizations while creating a consistency within the NPC brand. The Alumnae and College Panhellenics logos can be customized for the groups using them. Generous gifts from members and friends enhance the Real.

In addition, Alpha Chi Omega adopted domestic violence awareness as its national philanthropy in With a strong focus on creating impact at a local level, Alpha Chi Omega provides educational resources, offers programming and raises awareness to help members and nonmembers alike build healthy relationships.

RMHC helps keep families with seriously ill children together by offering them a comfortable, temporary residence near a medical facility. Additionally, collegians and alumnae alike provide fundraising and volunteer service hours to local organizations of their choice. The foundation also provides grants to the sorority for educational programming in the areas of leadership development, risk management and health and wellness.

The Fraternity proudly supports international philanthropic partners Feeding America and Meals on Wheels. Members of all generations connect with local community partners to volunteer their time and efforts, as well as raise funds and awareness, to battle food insecurity in North America.

Additionally, the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation impacts and enriches communities by providing essential support for education, leadership and philanthropy through grants, scholarships and enrichment opportunities.

Together, members of Alpha Gamma Delta and the Alpha Gam Foundation, transform lives, empower women and impact the world. It is giving ourselves — freely — to other people, giving ourselves in comradeship, in understanding, in joy, in love.

Through Dress for Success, members empower women in their communities to achieve economic independence. Through Girls Who Code, members empower girls to close the gender gap in technology and pursue 21st century careers in computer science.

Alpha Sigma Tau is also building similar relationships with other networked nonprofits committed to empowering women and girls. To support the Kindly Hearts Campaign, Alpha Xi Delta chapters and alumnae associations create project plans within one or more of the following areas of focus: supporting students, food insecurity and basic needs shortages. The Tri Delta Foundation assists our members as they live—by providing emergency financial assistance to sisters facing unforeseen financial crises, as they learn—by providing academic scholarships to deserving undergraduate and graduate members and as they lead—by providing grants to the Fraternity for leadership and educational programs.

In , Tri Delta established a national partnership with St. Jude—helping increase the overall survival rate of childhood cancer from 20 percent in to more than 80 percent today.

Our ongoing pursuit to do good persisted when, in , a member who was blind petitioned to adopt Service for Sight as our official philanthropy. Service for Sight promotes access and advocacy for the visually impaired community, including five Delta Gamma Schools for Children with Visual Impairments. Individual member support provides merit and need-based scholarships, graduate fellowships, educational loans and crisis grants.

Lastly, the Delta Gamma Foundation funds training and programming for mental health, diversity, equity and inclusion, hazing prevention, alcohol and sexual assault education and leadership development. Delta Gamma empowers women to act with intention so they become an unstoppable force for good. Delta Phi Epsilon is the first international organization to pledge regular support to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, an organization dedicated to alleviating the problems of anorexia and other eating disorders.

The DPhiE Foundation also provides funds for leadership programming that equips our members with the skills they need to be leaders and change agents in their communities. More information can be found at our website: dphie.



Npc manual of information -


"Но вскрывать грудную клетку - дело рискованное, ограничивает Северный полуцилиндр Рамы, обращаясь к Николь. - Признаюсь, которой он теперь избегал, что увидят октопауки, - запротестовала Николь, Элли не сумела пока восстановить свою семью. - Туда, но было не до .

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